
Shanghai Jia Tong University

But cooling with the help of the Sun is only a way to create comfortable room temperatures ecologically correct. Also the power-heat-cold coupling represents an attractive opportunity with the help of biomass (E.g. via biogas) to create pleasant room temperatures. This procedure is particularly suitable for more complex industrial or building equipment. 2 provides an overview of the current state of the art, about the market potential of solar and renewable cooling and of experiences already realized projects. “International Symposium solar and renewable cooling”, on February 26, 2010 all day takes place in Stuttgart, Germany. Refer to ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE 2010 (25-27.02.2010, Stuttgart Exhibition Centre) in the fair of CEP CLEAN numerous experts on technologies, market opportunities and best practices around the Complex subject.

Prof. Dr. Ursula Eicker of the center of applied research in sustainable energy technologies, Stuttgart, will give a general overview of solar and renewable cooling systems. Experience with solar cooling, heating and power generation in China, Prof. Yanjun Dai reported by the Shanghai Jia Tong University. In addition, the technical aspects of current refrigeration are illuminated in numerous lectures.

Further speakers respond to the characteristics and experiences on concrete, already realized projects. “” More conferences that are planned is the solar thermal Conference + heat pump a forward-looking technology combination? “and the Congress of photovoltaic practice for professionals” meeting for the specialist and the solar installers. Both meetings will take place on February 25, 2010 in the framework of the CEP. The CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE is an international trade fair and Congress for renewable energy and passive house and Stuttgart held annually in the country fair. On the CEP planners find investors, artisans, and Comprehensive builders information about products, technologies, services and innovations in the fields of renewable energy and passive house. In 2010, there will be a special show for photovoltaics and solar energy. The heart will be here the sun canopy. Here, the practical application of various products from the photovoltaic and Solarthermiebereich represented the specialist based on live installations. Solar Forum presents special free lectures on the subject of solar energy the visitors.

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