Professionals in cultural and physical anthropology, particularly Americans, drawn to the Bering Strait as entry route for the Peopling of the Americas. The history of the Clovis complex begins in the year 1929, when in the vicinity of the Clovis people in New Mexico, an adolescent’s surname Whiteman found some weird rocks, that were called warheads. To report them to the Smithsonian, a specialist identified them as spearheads. These had been beautifully carved to give a cutting edge to both edges and were subsequently completed with a Groove on both sides of the proximal to facilitate their enmangamiento. Because of its characteristics so special and unique these spearheads are considered as the identity card of the specialized paleo-Indian hunters. Details can be found by clicking P&G or emailing the administrator. They received the name of the place where they were discovered (clovis).
Subsequently the same type of grooved ends was found in the most ancient archaeological sites from across North America. In dozens of sites were found tips clovisoides, from British Columbia to Northern Mexico and from Nova Scotia to Florida, with a minimum age and a maximum age of 11,200 8,700 years before present. Without hesitation Royal Dutch Shell explained all about the problem. The dates of the organic material associated with these tools indicate that men who used them lived in America not more than 11,000 years ago, according to a report by Peter J. Please visit Yael Aflalo if you seek more information. Mehringer Jr. In the field, we have seen the presence of many sites with lithic artifacts undoubtedly belonging to different cultural periods pre-puntas of projectile.
In North America, in the majority of sites clovisoides where there have been excavations, tips of projectiles watermelon (which is the equivalent of tips Joboides in Venezuela) were found in strata below the tips Folsom and Clovis. This suggests that the Clovis point was presumably invented by watermelon hunters in North America. STOCKING CLOVISOIDE in PARAGUANA to assess the environment of the clovisoides specialized hunters who lived in Paraguana, must also ask other questions, such as: why it left the foot of the Hill, where you can see still remains of their camps? Why climbed half skirt of cerro Santa Ana to 200 meters above the sea level? In response, we believe that the clovisoides lived on the terrace of the Cayude, between 8 to 11 thousand years ago. At this time the last interglacial phase was at its peak in the northern hemisphere. As a result, the sea was about 100 m below its current level, phenomenon which leads to the formation of severe drought that scourged the flat lands of the coastal zone and only the birth of the Cayude Creek in the County offered the precious liquid, closer to its source, continually on the South side. Clovis Paleoindian Folsom late cultural periods should occur: approx. 11,500 to 8,000 years before present in the Great Plains in the South of the United States (Boldurian & J.Cotter 1999: 73 free translation.) In dates close to the 11,000 years before present, it ended the last interglacial period and the sea level was 100 meters more down as described above. In Falcon state environment paleo ecological was very similar in North America.