Through the pertaining to school census we can observe the growth of 640% of the school registrations of special education in regular schools/common classrooms of 1998 the 2006 clear results of the success of the inclusive politics in Brazil, passing of 43.923 enclosed pupils in 1998, for 325.316 enclosed pupils in 2006. How much to […]
It is from this conflitiva nature that if can more derive a certain look on the daily pertaining to school contemporary and what the tracks of violence in it inlaid them have disclosed on it. The daily life, in the classroom and the home, offers the educator multiple occasions to leave to disclose it ecstasy […]
For in such a way it is necessary that it is based on the development of igualitrios values and aptitudes directed toward the ambient precaution, with the intention to guarantee a condition of healthful life for the current and future generations, understanding, in this way, a humanitarian, holistic, to interdisciplinar and democratic dimension of the […]