
The Young

Through the pertaining to school census we can observe the growth of 640% of the school registrations of special education in regular schools/common classrooms of 1998 the 2006 clear results of the success of the inclusive politics in Brazil, passing of 43.923 enclosed pupils in 1998, for 325.316 enclosed pupils in 2006. How much to the distribution of the school registrations in the spheres public and private, in 1998, one registers 157,962 (46.8%) pupils with educational necessities special in the private schools, in institutions mainly specialized filantrpicas. With the development of education politics inclusive, a growth of 146% of the school registrations in the public schools, that had passed of 179.364 (53.2%) in 1998, for 441.155 (63%) in 2006 is proven, With regard to the distribution of the school registrations for stage and level of education, in 2006:112.988 (16%) is in the infantile education, 466,155 (66.5%) in basic education, 14,150 (2%) in average education, 58,420 (8.3%) in adult the young education of e, 46,949 (6.7%) in professional education (basic) and 1,962 (0.28%) in the professional education (technician). In the scope of the infantile education, the school registrations concentrate in the special schools/classrooms that 89,083 pupils register, while only 24,005 are registered common groups, opposing the studies in this area that they affirm the benefits of the convivncia and learning between children with and without deficiency since the first years of life for its development. The evolution of the actions of the special education in recent years if express in the growth of the number of cities with school registrations, that in 1998 registers 2,738 cities (49.7%) e, in 2006 it reaches 4,953 cities (89%), a 81% growth. This evolution also discloses the increase of the number of schools with school registration, that in 1998 registers only 6,557 schools and arrives the 54,412 schools in 2006, representing a 730% growth. Of these schools with school registration in 2006, 2,724 are schools special, 4,325 are common schools with special classroom and 50,259 are common schools with inclusion in the groups of regular education.

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