(IT HISSES, 2005, 3-4) After the necessary agreement, the group chose the proper heading of the Project as objective: to take care of of the environment for a better world. Then, the goals had been listed by them all to pursue so that the world was better in its community: little pollution, more health, more […]
Between the aged children and this percentage can be bigger, for presenting low a imunolgica protection (ANDREOLI, 2005). Bethlem et al. (2000), they had concluded that the pneumonias are patologias that present a percentile greater between the acute respiratory infections (ANGER? s) in aged children and, with raised tax of deaths. It is observed that […]
Therefore, in the accomplishment of a normal sleep, periods of training NREM and REM are alternated cyclically throughout the process, being that in the two last cycles it increases the duration of sleep REM. Although the generalized use of acronym REM and NREM, the denomination? paradoxical sleep? e? sleep of slow waves? in them she […]
However, the examination of the breasts for the proper woman helps in the knowledge of the body and must be contemplated in the actions of education for the health. 2.3.2 Clinical examination of Mamas (ECM) the clinical examination of the breasts is the examination made for a trained professional of health. It presents the same […]
SUMMARY: The ratio of aged liveing alone in Brazil comes increasing, but, the reality of these aged ones still little is known. The objective of this study is to investigate the reason that takes some aged ones to live alone and that difficulties/easinesses live deeply in its daily one and as they deal with these […]