

Between the aged children and this percentage can be bigger, for presenting low a imunolgica protection (ANDREOLI, 2005). Bethlem et al. (2000), they had concluded that the pneumonias are patologias that present a percentile greater between the acute respiratory infections (ANGER? s) in aged children and, with raised tax of deaths. It is observed that this high occurrence of lethality is related to the mechanisms of defense of these individuals. The immune system as a whole is diminished, occurring the aggravation of the respiratory infections, over all of the pneumonias caused for bacteria.

Is instant the gravity of the ANGER? s, especially of the pneumonias, as cause of mortality in children in the first cincos years of life. For even more details, read what kitchens says on the issue. In Brazil was implanted a program of combat to the illnesses of prevalence in children, as the ANGER? s, program this implanted in years 80. A Manual was elaborated contends all the information necessary to track and to deal with cases respiratory illnesses. The manual was created by technician of the Society of Pneumologia, for professionals of the Pediatrics and Nursing (PAIVA et al., 1998). According to Bethlem et al. (2000), to the ratio that grows individuals with infectious processes, conferring bigger emphasis the ANGER? s, the patologias are distinguished type communitarian pneumonias, followed of the caused ones for uncommon agents, continuing with the nosocomiais pneumonias, and those of the imunossuprimidos ones, between which it is a special type of imunodeficincia represented for the Syndrome of Imunodeficincia Adquirida (AIDS), that it receives attention detached among infectious patologias in everybody. Andreoli (2005), affirms that in the diagnosis of the distribution of the different clinical categories of the acute respiratory patologias it is verified that the pneumonia is, with great priority, the death cause most important. Are the three fourth parts of all the deaths produced for ANGER? s and registered all the respiratory diseases, as 46%.

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