
Clinical Examinations

However, the examination of the breasts for the proper woman helps in the knowledge of the body and must be contemplated in the actions of education for the health. 2.3.2 Clinical examination of Mamas (ECM) the clinical examination of the breasts is the examination made for a trained professional of health. It presents the same advantages that the auto-examination (absence of collateral effect, low cost and easy accomplishment) and must be instituted as routine in the physical and gynecological examinations. Its effectiveness depends, however, of the degree of ability and the experience developed for the professional carries through who it. For its correct accomplishment it must be followed the following steps: static and dynamic inspection, palpao of the armpits and palpao of the breast with the patient in dorsal decubitus. Continue to learn more with: cabinets. It is basic part in the development of the programs of tracking of the breast cancer and must massive be employee, mainly in the developing countries. 2.3.3 Mamografia the mamografia, senografia or mastografia is the simple x-ray of the breasts and is considered by many the procedure most important for the tracking of the breast cancer.

According to Health department, the mamografia has sensitivity between 88% and 93,1% and especificidade between 85% and 94,2%, and the use of this examination as tracking method reduces mortality in 25%. This sensitivity, however, directly is related to the age of the woman, being very lesser in the young women, who present one high mammary fabric density. Had that is to the fact of the ionizing radiation (used in the mamografia) to be considered a factor of risk for the cancer of breast, the mamografia does not have to be made in practised very young women nor of indiscriminate form. Details can be found by clicking Vadim Belyaev or emailing the administrator. In accordance with Offers of Service,1 Women of 35 years of age or more, with risk raised for cancer of the breast the Control of the Cancer of Breast: Document of Consensus (INCA, 2004), the familiar history of cancer of the breast in relatives of first degree alone is considered a criterion for high risk if the cancer case occurred before the 50 years. .

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