Strategical Planning Situacional
(IT HISSES, 2005, 3-4) After the necessary agreement, the group chose the proper heading of the Project as objective: to take care of of the environment for a better world. Then, the goals had been listed by them all to pursue so that the world was better in its community: little pollution, more health, more support and more conscience of ambient preservation for the inhabitants. Here it is the problems pointed for the young: 1. Garbage spread in the street, hillsides and springs contaminating the ground and the Little stream of Butterflies, that already are poludo and obstructed by the garbage; 2. The garbage collection, in such a way organic how much selective, it is not to regulate in all the streets of the quarter; 3. Lack of education and ecological conscience of the inhabitants. Related with the Strategical Planning Situacional (FEET), this was the clarifying moment, that if it relates to the recognition of the existence of problems that could motivate the actions of the members of the community. In accordance with Carlos Matus, the explanation of the reality is one of the first problems to be faced and to explain means to understand ' ' the process of interrelation between the problems, to have a vision of synthesis of the system that produz' ' (MATUS, 1993, 300).
From the problems elencados for the group as most expressive and basic in terms of environment in that territory, a reflection regarding the form was proceeded as these problems affected the group and of the limitations that proper group would find to decide them, introducing there the governabilidade concepts, capacity, will and negative impact. Fruit of much quarrel and reflection, these concepts, in determined moment, had taken the group to the loss of heart for judging that the difficulties would surpass the success possibilities. However, to the end, reflecting and arguing very with the moderator, the group had the perception of that its determination in deciding the problems was so great how much the negative impact established by the estragos caused for the proper problems.