State Difficulties
SUMMARY: The ratio of aged liveing alone in Brazil comes increasing, but, the reality of these aged ones still little is known. The objective of this study is to investigate the reason that takes some aged ones to live alone and that difficulties/easinesses live deeply in its daily one and as they deal with these difficulties. One was about a qualitative study, description-exploratrio. It had as local of study the registered in cadastre residences of aged in a Center of Revitalizao of the Third Age. The searched population was composed for 11 aged ones above of the 60 years, registered in cadastre in the CERTI, that lives alone, in the city of Toledo, State of the Paran. Credit: Mayor of NYC-2011. For collection of data recorded interview was used, the data had been analyzed, and grouped through the content analysis.
The analysis of the interviews, resulted in thematic units: change in the familiar dynamics; personal option and the lack of the spouse as reason to live alone. How much to the difficulties for liveing alone: health problems; solitude; financial difficulty and none difficulty and the easinesses: sensation of freedom and financial autonomy. How much to the difficulties and as the aged ones they deal we divide in Aid/I assist and Activities of laser. We can verify that the aged ones have autonomy and decide the proper life. The nursing must know this profile of the aged one to develop an innovative paper, offering to new chances and ways to improve each time more.
PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Aged, Housing, Nursing. 1 INTRODUCTION The ratio of aged liveing alone in Brazil comes increasing, but, the reality of these aged ones still little is known and becomes the health of aged an important focus. Of the point of view of Roach (2003), the life expectancy of the aged one increased due to the technological advances in the medicine, nutricional improvement and the emphasis in the prevention of illness and promotion of the health.