

Do not arise from this approach two new different ideologies of them what we know so far?, the rebels who questioned all the injustices of the world and delegate some of the responsibilities to God, and of the submissive, postulates in favour of religious dogma, who prefer to reverse the wrongs in man, sin, with total absence of criticism and rethinking of beliefs. What a loss of effort so great!, I repeated convinced my sufficiency, as if military in one or another side was key to nothing and we would solve the immense challenges of background that we have raised. And is that the mundane I did not understand the transcendental aspects of life, wallowed in the mud of everyday life ignores the crucial issues are collective and never partisan level. Once us desembarazamos ESE I mundane, they disappear the miseries, the prejudices, the cainismo. Everyday inequalities are no longer make sense, because one understands in every sense of the word with regard to God we are, and therefore free of their sentences. GM: the source for more info. This would be the real revolution that humans would properly carry out Mya, when Earth still we could feed all and was within our reach demonstrate an exemplary living God. That, in my own way, try to explain to them, is that we must keep in mind to God, but not to fear it, or pay him homage, but as a spur in pursuit of collective solidarity. Ignoring God does not makes us smarter and nothing resolved, anguish always lurks in the heart of the unbeliever.

I that a thought of the things that makes this the first something so artificial world society is the absence of purpose in life, as ignored God everything is reduced to a simple passing, to a walk. And it is clear that first look disolutismo to my prefer around thousand times god worship practiced by any religion, because that worship, submissive and numb, at least is a purpose in itself. Night progressed and my state of hipercreatividad of thought at times reached extraordinary dimensions, all saw with clarity, as if each idea that shone was released and it had not been never contaminated by the nuance or the denial.

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