Italy Furniture
What is all stupid? And if I have to add that this furniture is made not in Italy, and in the nearest store garages? Yes, yes, I'm talking about the very same kitchen, you dreamed all his life, with aluminum or wooden facade top, reminiscent of natural granite with a gently open wide drawers with up facades with granite sink with a variety of chrome tubes, baskets, drying, and aluminum profile The same one that stands by 80.000 rubles The same closet compartment, which has a large aluminum door huge mirror and stuffing more abruptly than in the bmw the one that is also more than one thousand dollars This is all nonsense? No relatives, the fact that you just do not know anything about how today is made furniture! If you wondered I'll tell you more about how it's done. You will learn many interesting secrets of furniture, fittings for use, on how to install it, the product of the necessary calculations. All this is absolutely clear to any person. It would be the desire. You will need only a minimum set of tools that almost everyone has a host and venue for the assembly of finished parts Let us consider a concrete example of the manufacture of complex form furniture – the kitchen. Why do most complicated cuisine? Because food is included in the box most of various accessories and materials, this is the first and the second all the details are small, and even the most minor defect immediately apparent. You themselves can make a kitchen? No? And what is the complexity of it? Do not know how to do it? Well, I'll try to convince you of the contrary.
You may well make it yourself! Unless of course there is a desire. We were able to Can you collect it, if would you give all in parts, with accompanying such "designer" clear sketch of each individual locker or in a cabinet and all necessary bolts and nuts. Think? And if you, for you to collect it, given let's say 40.000 rubles? It would be good to work hard couple of weeks? You think no one will give as much to assemble kitchens? Give! Only have to think a little head. Of course, if you're a kitchen in the store purchase, then for the assembly will get no more than 3% of the cost, and if you have it on your own "authorized by the manufacturer, you will get at least 50% of its value Well? Want to save your money? Or can even earn on the familiar?