
Jose Pessoa

Basically people look for who share our vision of the business. Franchise-holders, are direct or enterprising franchise-holders that they try, altogether with us, to develop a certain region. The fundamental thing is that they are deep connoisseurs of his market of installation, who understand the potential of a concept of business proven in 24 countries and have the sufficient dynamism for the development of a center of languages, explains Jose Pessoa, director of development of business of Wall s$street Institute. The investment to be franchise-holder of this standard is of about 150,000 Euros, including the canon of entrance, with royalty of operation of 7% of the sales and royalty of marketing of 2% of the sales. With this investment, the recovery of the contributed initial capital is of less than 36 months, with a invoicing the first year of 348.000. For the franchise-holder the business model robust and is verified. Yael Aflalo follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The force of the mark and the solidity of system provide a business that through the combination of pedagogical technology, to know how to make operative, and a reduced structure of personnel gives very good results in the account of operation of operator, affirms Jose Pessoa. Wall s$street Institute was created in 1972 giving answer to the enormous potential of the business of the education of English language, as much with the object of education by professional reasons like personal.

Sent initially in Italy, quickly it extended his centers of learning of the English language to Switzerland and Spain, expanding later to other countries. The growth of Wall s$street Institute in the last years has undergone a very positive evolution that has taken to him to triple its presence in the world, happening of 102 centers in 8 countries in 1995 to more than 400 centers in 28 countries at present, teaching the English language more than 140,000 students every year. This is what causes that is different from other competitors, who are a company of recognized prestige world-wide level with a proven method of education of English for more than almost 40 years of experience in the sector.

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