Limited Liability Partnership
The financial statements must of being audited if the volume of businesses is superior to 1 million pounds (1.145.000 ) Which are the main characteristics of a branch? The foreign first house is responsible for all the liabilities of the branch of the United Kingdom. It is required that the branch is registered in Mercantile Registry. The accounts of the foreign first company will have of being presented/displayed annually. Which are the main characteristics of a Limited Liability Partnership? It must count on the two partners, each with limited responsibility. Quite new format, but more and more used for companies? joint. Same registry and requirements of spreading that the limited liability company.
Other types of society are possible, but rarely they are used by foreign companies. So easy what is to contract personal in the United Kingdom? In spite of a continued reduction of unemployment in the last decade, the foreign companies find little difficulty in the local hiring of personnel. The British workers generally have a good academic formation, are motivated and able to adapt to different styles of management. If he is interested in creating a company in England and it needs advising on this subject, contctenos. How it is the regulating frame, for which they are considering the constitution of a company in the United Kingdom? The British Government gives priority to attract foreign investors, and has tried to guarantee that the regulating frame is as liberal as it is possible.
There are very few restrictions to the foreign property or the investment, although some sectors, like the financial services, strictly are regulated to protect the consumer. Also, the authorities enforce the laws of protection against the abuse of the powers of monopolies. Financial incentives available exist for which they are considering the constitution of a Company in The United Kingdom? They exist financial incentives available for the industralists who wish to create a company in England and are arranged to invest in areas and specific sectors. Subsidys can be granted to help to the creation of uses in certain areas of the United Kingdom, mainly outside London and in the south-east. Others exist incentives in the form of scholarships of investigation and development, technical attendance for the export and guarantees of credit to the export. Which are the characteristics of the banking services in the United Kingdom? The city of London is one of the main financial centers of the world, and the banks of the majority of countries have offices there. The United Kingdom offers very sophisticated banking facilities to the enterprise sector, but the process of the opening of an account can take long time. How I can obtain more data on the constitution of companies in the United Kingdom? In we are expert in the constitution of companies abroad. We count on a team of advisers who will advise and accompany in their process from internationalization to England or other countries to him by Europe.