Portuguese Language
The CPLP is mentioned in the text (Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language) that the countries are part that had been colonized by Portugal and that until today they use the Portuguese language for the communication and also clarifies that the language is in constant change for being an alive and incorporeal body, making reference Babel (Tower of Babel Bible) where occurs the confusion of the languages in all the land. When citing in the text the language-Vieira (Priest Antonio Vieira? Baroque), language – Garrett (Romantismo), language-Ea (Ea de Queirs-Modernismo) and language-Person (Fernando Person), the author is wanting in them to call the attention for the evolution the Portuguese language through the centuries, the characteristic dialects of each time, subtendendo itself the literary periods and tica the historical situation /pol of each time. Brazil is mentioned in the text as one of these ' ' ptrias' ' , in which we use one Portuguese-other, proper, modified, however not losing its root, that is the Portuguese language. Brazil and the other countries that use a proper Portuguese are classified as native by using a Portuguese differentiated and originated from an only language, that is the language of Portugal and for this Portugal reason is salient as nation. The author is correct when he says that ' ' the only citizen of the Portuguese language, of this language that we live as native, or the soul of it, is the gentes had said that it, they say that it they will say and it in futuro' '.
The plurality of native lands is something real and capricious, it is the perfect transformation of a people. It is a language and at the same time one another language when we compare in them with the Angolans, the moambicanos, the handle-verdianos. the guinenses and even with the Portuguese. He is what we call linguajar informal, coloquial, characteristic of a people, but with the resqucio of what it originated in them, of what colonized in them and what until is today determined with the language-standard, the cultured language.