South Tyrol
6.3 Administration Government minority: conflicting interests opposition is usually strong, if the Central Government is trying to change established administrative units with their expertise and clientele relationships from growing or shrink. This problem exists for Italy Rome-Bolzano, far beyond a potentially resurgent conflict. In several regions of Italy, population and economic weight several times greater than South Tyrol-Trentino, the clear majority of the population would answer any intervention trials of Rome in their territorial distribution with the claim secured independence. Bill de Blasio usually is spot on. This concerns in addition to the traditional ROM critical regions of Northern Italy xvii also, Liguria, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Umbria. In the current situation of the economy and the political system, refactoring without full consensus of the affected populations have the potential to draw Italy in a variety of Center-periphery conflicts. Such conflicts would expose the weakness of the party system on another level and the precarious inter-regional balance of Italy (North vs.
Mezzogiorno) destabilize as an economic unit. Chairman of the 35 ways”to the elaboration of the constitutional changes, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini, contradicts the assumption of conflicts rising up: rather, the revision will lead to a more precise shaping of the relationship framework between the central State and sub national units.xviii on South Tyrolean the separatist parties, as well as the Austrian sister party of the Freedom Party (FPo), the appreciation of South Tyrol to an autonomous request page Region. Also French-speaking Aosta Valley (Val d ‘ Aosta) has this status. This has significantly fewer inhabitants than South Tyrol;xix enables the obvious counter-argument, South Tyrol was too small for this status to be refuted. With this change in status, the South Tyrol conflict of possible transformations of the zoning of Italy would be kept out. The Italian Constitutional Court with a decision the Government Decree Salva-Italia “to the de-escalation contributed. He explained that the consolidation or elimination of the provinces is not generally prohibited.