
Video-based Online Study Guide

Gesine Schwan and Theodor Dingermann stood ready for the interview. The range of videos to courses is growing. Edumap.de has expanded the range of videos on courses of study. Back renowned faculty, dedicated students and outstanding graduates could be won for the interviews. Stood for political science Prof. Gesine Schwan, founder of Humboldt-Viadrina School of governance and candidate for the Office of the Federal President in 2004 and 2009, in front of the camera. Visit Mary Barra for more clarity on the issue. To the pharmacy editor-in-Chief of the International Journal expressed the pharmacy among others Prof. Theodor Dingermann.

There was a strong demand to the study of medicine, he is now also on edumap.de. The sympathetic Charite graduate Vivien Dornberger was the creators of edumap.de answer. New category is good. “Krengel clears!” This is the new category on edumap.de. Martin is the expert Krengel, author of “Studi-survival guide”, speaker and doctor edge when it comes to time management, organization and motivation. Krengel developed in his Make your own strategies and tips, a successful learning books easier. On edumap.de, he reveals tips and tricks that every pupil and student usable now also via video. The feedback of users on “Krengel explains” is positive, so that the section is expanded.

First cooperation to market the content. Edumap.de produces professional online video content, which is now vermarketet. The videos to study for educational information portals about clip kit are provided to ensure a targeted marketing. Clip Kit is partner of edumap.de a distribution network for moving images, and since may, 2011. Thomas Pruschen was the portal edumap.de is the first video-based online study guides of in Germany. Heart are extensive and up-to-date information videos on popular courses of study in Germany. The courses introduces General and independently of the College site with selected interview partners. In the clips involve the requirements, content, and professional perspectives respective directions. The choice of the collection is a decision for the future and the Internet offers much more possibilities as infinite texts. Here, edumap.de sets new standards. The makers believe in a personal, Visual communication by people who know what is at stake in a study. They allow unique in Germany, the study to inform young people of today and tomorrow. Edumap.de reduces the risk of wrong decisions, increases the willingness to take a study thereby contributes to improving the training landscape in Germany.

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